Aspen, CO Recreation Business Plan (2023)


The Aspen Recreation Department has an agreement with the Recreation Advisory Committee that a Recreation Business Plan must be updated every ten years. The most recent Recreation Business Plan was set to be revaluated in 2025, but given the COVID-driven impacts on public recreation facilities, early funding was granted in order to proceed with an updated Recreation Business Plan in 2023.


Zec Eight Insights partnered with PROS Consulting and ePRepSolutions to update the Recreation Business Plan. Zec Eight Insights focused on conducting a customized recreation program inventory and analysis. Namely, Zec Eight Insights analyzed all available registration and usership data for a three-year period to develop a trend timeframe for program capacities, cancelation rates, utilization rates (space), resident vs. non-resident use, and program delivery and evaluation methods.


The final Recreation Business Plan provides a holistic understanding of the financial implications associated with operating the city’s recreation facilities. A detailed financial analysis conducted by ePRepSolutions, fiscal recommendations produced by PROS Consulting, and customized analytics reviewed by Zec Eight Insights provided specific directions for the next five to ten years of public recreation in Aspen.

Desiree Whitehead, Recreation Director
Aspen Parks and Recreation
(970) 429-2083
585 Cemetery Lane
Aspen, CO 81611